Superdry Privacy Policy

Your Privacy Matters

Here at Superdry, your privacy and data security matters to us. When you provide any personal information to us, we make sure we follow 4 Key Principles:


We use and process your data to help you get the most out of your relationship with us – and always in compliance with the law.


We keep your data under lock and key – in secure and highly restricted environments.


We aim to be 100% transparent with you about what data we collect and why we collect it.


You are in charge. You can ask to see the data we hold for you or ask for it to be deleted.

This policy tells you a little bit more about these principles and how we work hard every day to live by them and respect them.

We want to be open with you about:

Who we are

What information we collect

How we use your information

Why we use your information in the way we do

We also want to tell you all about your rights and how we can help you stay in control.

You’ve probably heard of “Superdry” the brand, but like many organisations the brand is underpinned by a corporate business structure.

Superdry is the trading name of the Superdry Plc group of companies. Superdry Plc of Unit 60, The Runnings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL51 9NW, United Kingdom is a public company listed on the London Stock Exchange. Superdry Plc has many different subsidiary operating companies (collectively referred to as “Superdry”, “we”, “us” and “our” in this policy) that do different things for us and operate different parts of our business around the world. 

The part of the Superdry group with which you are interacting is normally the entity which is processing your personal information and is therefore the controller of your data. For example, we have wholly owned trading subsidiaries which operate stores for us around the world - the name of the entity you bought your product from will normally be on your receipt. We also have a company called Supergroup Internet Limited which operates our ecommerce and online business, except in the USA where it’s operated by Superdry Retail LLC.

Regardless of where you are based and regardless of which part of our group may be a controller of your personal information, any queries you have regarding your personal information will be dealt with by Superdry Plc. This means that we are responsible for deciding how and why your personal information is used. We’re also responsible for making sure it is kept safe, secure and handled legally. 

Note that Superdry is a multi-channel business. This means that we also sell Superdry branded products to other retailers. We also operate a franchise business, meaning that many of our stores are operated by our licensed and trusted franchisees rather than by us directly. In the event you buy Superdry products from another one of these retailers or our franchisees, they are responsible for handling your personal data. Please refer to their individual privacy terms for more information.

We will only ever process your information if we have a lawful basis to do so. The lawful bases we rely on are:


This is where we process your information to fulfil a contractual arrangement we have made with you.


This is where we have asked you to provide explicit permission to process your data for a particular purpose, and you have provided such consent.

Legitimate Interests

This is where we rely on our interests as a reason for processing your information, generally this is to provide you with the best products and service in the most secure and appropriate way.

Legal Obligation

This is where we have a statutory or other legal obligation to process the information, such as for the investigation of crime or to notify you of certain things.

We want our relationship with you to be open, strong and mutually beneficial. Throughout the different stages of our relationship, you may give us certain information. We use your information in a number of different ways, and what we do depends on the information. Failing to provide some of the personal information we require may have an adverse impact on our ability to interact with you, for example we may not be able to provide you with products or services you would like to receive. 

It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed if your personal information changes during the period of your interactions with us. This can be done by emailing or in your account if you have one.

The tables below set this out in detail, showing what we use, how we use it and why we use it.

While our website is designed for a general audience, we will not knowingly collect any data from children under the age of 13 or sell products to children. If you are under the age of 13, you are not permitted to use or submit your data to the website.


We use and process your data to help you get the most out of your relationship with us – and always in compliance with the law.